The Seven Symphonies

During the first days of August 2021 the Antwerp Philharmonic Orchestra started recording the Seven Symphonies, a classical tribute to the Beach Boys. 33 Beach Boys songs were used to create the Seven Symphonies. The production of the album has taken over 4 years.

Another Seven Symphonies

In 2022 preparations started for the album Another Seven Symphonies, a symphonic tribute to Beatles music. These symphonies are derived from 39 Beatles songs and the time required to produce the album is about two years. This album will initially be released on CD. A vinyl version will follow at a later stage.

Back to the Beach, Boys documentary

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The Seven Symphonies LIVE! A classical tribute to Beach Boys music in concert

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  • Een meesterwerk is geboren

    Een potentiële mega hit voor de concert zalen. Buitengewoon mooi en smaakvol. Een meesterwerk is geboren

    (a potential mega hit for the concert halls. Extraordinary beautiful and tasteful. A masterpiece is born)

  • „Voor mij ademen de nieuwe symfonieën de sfeer uit van filmmuziek.“

    Gazet van Antwerpen of February 26th/27th, 2022

  • This is amazing!

    This is amazing! Stellar song choices and arrangements. Blows the royal philharmonic orchestra album out of the water several times over.

  • Das ist einfach wunderbar inszenierte musik.

    1 Std. 17 Minuten wunderschone klassik, die nicht-beach boys bzw. Brian wilson- musik-kenner würden sicher in einem solchen konzert begeistert sein von der musik. Das ist einfach wunderbar inszenierte musik.

    (1 hour 17 minutes of beautiful music, those who are not connoissers of Beach Boys or Brain Wilson will certainly be absolutely excited during a concert of this music. That is simply wonderfully staged music)

  • "Een prachtig gelaagd en magistraal orkestraal werk"

    Het album heeft genoeg te bieden aan muzikale kwaliteit en verscholen verrassingen.
    Rob van Weelde en Roeland Jabobs laten het verleden herleven op een manier die verder gaat dan obligaat zwelgen in nostalgie. Roeland herschreef de BB sound tot een prachtig gelaagd en magistraal orkestraal werk. Muziekaal avontuur en instrumentale speelsheid staan daarin garant voor een voortdurende heldere sprankeling.

    The album has enough to offer in terms of musical quality and hidden surprises. Rob van Weelde and Roeland Jacobs revive the past in a way that goes beyond obligatory engulf in nostalgia. Roeland rewrote the BB sound to a beautifully layered and superbe orchestral piece. Musical adventure and instumental playfulness guarantee a continuous bright sparkling.

    Uit "Reporters On Line" door C. Cornell Evers:

  • "transformed into something disarmingly sublime"

    Whatever plans the Beach Boys have to celebrate their 60th anniversary this year, they'll have a hard time topping the Antwerp Philharmonic Orchestra's new album The Seven Symphonies.
    Dutch musician Roeland Jacobs has taken 33 BB melodies, grouped them into discreet symphonies and transformed them into something disarmingly sublime. And with a 60-piece orchestra replacing the Beach Boys' legendary vocal harmonies, Wilson's unique American visions reach new heights.

    From World Culture & Arts, by Arsinio Ortesa:

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  • Beach Boys

    Curious in how the 33 original beach boys songs sound like? We've made a playlist in order of appearance. Hope you like it!

    Check Spotify Playlist 
  • Beatles

    We've made a playlist with the 39 original Beatles songs in order of appearance. Curious to know what they sound like? Take a look at the playlist and enjoy!

    Check Spotify Playlist 
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The recording at Galaxy Studio's

  • Het is erg bijzonder, werkelijk uniek.

    Ik geef toe dat ik niets van de beach boys ken. Ik luister naar deze muziek als iets geheel nieuws en niet met “coverversie” in mijn hoofd. De pet symphony is mijn favoriet. Het is erg bijzonder, werkelijk uniek. 

    (I must admit that I know nothing of the Beach Boys. I listen to this music as something completely new and not with a "coverversion" in my mind. Pet Symphony is my favorite. It is very special, truely unique)

  • Wohl das beste

    Ja, es ist wohl das beste, was es in dieser richtung je gab.

    (Yes, this is really the best that was ever made in this genre.)

  • an extremely beautiful lecture of Beach Boys music

    La magnifique “symphony of the little bird qui a notre préférence (du moment) et la présence de trois titres de “that’s why god made the radio” superbement mis en relief. Nous avons à faire à une très très belle lecture de la musique des beach boys à l’aune des canons de la musique classique.

    (the magnificent "Symphony Of The Little Bird" which is our preference (for the moment) and the presence of three titles of "That's Why God Made The Radio" are beautifully highlighted. We are witnessing an extremely beautiful lecture of Beach Boys music in the light of the canons of classical music)

  • This is crazy good

    I love classical music and you can truly hear the BB's genius in this tribute. For anyone who loves classical music this is a MUST

  • Jacobs turned it into his own masterful orchestral work

    "In feite is het album ook een eerbetoon aan de geniale composities van Brian Wilson. Elk track blijft verrassen; Jacobs heeft er met respect voor het origineel zijn eigen meesterlijke orkestrale werk van gemaakt dat uitmuntend wordt uitgevoerd door het Antwerp Philharmonic Orchestra"(In fact, the album is also a tribute to the brilliant compositions of Brian Wilson. Each track continues to surprise; with respect to the originals, Jacobs turned it into his own masterful orchestral work, which is performed superbly by the Antwerp Philharmonic Orchestra)

    Rick van Boekel (WRITTEN IN MUSIC)

  • impressively beautiful

    “Het resultaat mag er zijn. Het gebrek aan gitaren en drums wordt gecompenseerd door een ontroeerende mix van bekende en onbekende songs van de band. De afsluitende zevende symfonie bestaat dan uit zeven songs van Pet Sounds en is van indrukwekkende schoonheid.” – 
    (The results are unparalleled. The lack of guitars and drums is being compensated by a touching mix of well known and lessor known songs of the band. The final 7th symphony consist of 7 Pet Sounds songs and is impressively beautiful)


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Making the 7 Symphonies